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How WealthTech will change the rhythm of sales towards corporate institutional clients?
Technology is providing greater access to more real-time information via marketplaces where investors and customers can meet on supply and demand basis.

With the rise of AI technology, can RegTech protect us from the possibility of ‘Skynet’?
Meta description preview:By FINTECH Books Contributor, Nirvana Farhadi Follow: @NirvanaFarhadi

Alexa, Where Are My Pensions?
Data portability under the GDPR is intended to drive competition.The FCA see dashboards as a way to help make financial advice available to the mass market.

Advancing the Robo-Advisory Proposition for all Clients: Wealthy and Non-Wealthy
Relying on relatively old asset allocation methodologies and a limited type of products, there are clear benefits by having extended the range of clients.

Old Tech + New Tech = RegTech
Such controls include the requirement that banks should be able to identify all the spreadsheets used in critical processes and ensure that all data and calculations used in such processes are adequately policed by internal compliance departments.

Peer-to-Peer Insurance for Modern Ages
Home insurance hasn’t adapted to the era of Airbnb and car insurance is even more hopeless when it comes to Uber and the sharing economy.

What is Fintech?
Innovation is rather developed outside of established players in the financial markets, by startups for which the regulators seem rather indecisive on how to approach them.

Passporting – is an opportunity also a problem?
Perhaps what is needed is not more regulation, but a standardised and simplified application across the sector, supported by automation through software.

Embracing emerging technology – asset management
Change is hard. As human beings, we get comfortable and feel secure, so when things change, it can be unsettling to say the least. Specifically, the asset management industry is going through a period of rapid digital transformation and change.

Discover the Innovative Technology Behind RegTech Leaders
“RegTech” is a massive opportunity to create a vibrant surrounding ecosystem at scale while increasing productivity, lowering transaction cost and improving operational resilience.

Fiduciary Algorithms: Holding our Algorithms Accountable
Digitalization and fiduciary movements are both trending at the exact same time within the wealth advice space, creating new technology requirements and opportunities.

Turning The Insurance Paradigm Upside-Down / The Path Towards Data Driven Solutions
Being smart is getting tougher with time. Data is becoming increasingly cheap, open and accessible. Making the data work not only for its narrow purpose, but for the purpose of understanding the business.

Rethinking processes and new paradigm to make regulation scalable and omni-present
A smarter approach to inherently build trust framework in every element of finance could make regulation invisible but omnipresent.

Talking Robo – financial intelligence having fun
The next wave in WealthTech will be defined by five major trends with more ‘financial smartness’ and ‘financial creativity’ in the WealthTech arena.

Compliance with data protection regulations by applying the blockchain technology
Is it possible to effectively apply the blockchain technology to support in a cost-effective way any compliance aspect on the personal data protection field? The presented use case shows a possible solution for solving the issue with management of consents to use personal data.

Insurance – simple, frictionless or pointless?
I am sure you can imagine a world where insurance is far simpler to both buy or to claim – it is almost upon us since there are already a growing number of InsurTECH companies where this is exactly what they’ve set out to do.

How AI will cause robo advice to completely outperform human advice
Most financial advisors are in a state of denial about robo-advice. They say clients value the human touch or need real people to understand the nuances of their financial lives. They’re wrong.

InsurTECH business model for 21st Centrury
Traditional “insurance moguls” must deal with small and efficient startups and sharing economy ideas, using changing behavioral patterns in a digital world as their advantage.
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