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Digital Business Model for Wealth Management Operations as Matchmaker of Generations
Wealth management operations should inevitably establish digital technologies into their performance spectrum. In doing so, the key to success is to address customers across multiple channels

Predictive Insurance – New Opportunities, New Competitive Landscape
Companies including Google, Fitbit, Pfizer are heavily investing in developing new biometric sensors. Combined with Machine Learning, the information from these sensors can be used for different purposes

RegTECH impact on the Private Security Industry during a transition to a new regulatory regime
Insufficient public safety measures; coupled with improved economic climate and a booming construction industry, has facilitated the rise in the global requirement for real-time regulatory compliance and best-practice.

Ever get a little bit tired of all the hype, buzzwords, egos, etc. that come with the fintech territory? My cure – spend five minutes chatting with Susanne Chishti. Her energy and passion for the space will jump start your own enthusiasm for digital disruption (I had to throw in a buzzword phrase).

Micro-Insurance is becoming an imperative for Insurers to keep up with the customer’s needs
Even in today’s connected world, the insurance agent or broker remains the most diffused means for selling non-compulsory insurance coverage to potential customers

WealthTech in Latin America – Just the beginning
When you think about Latin American countries you believe that most of FinTechs can solve the problem of financial inclusion as in other developing countries. In fact, WealthTech in Latin America is also a way to reach financial inclusion.

How will Insurtech address the new risks of the Sharing Economy
The speed of technology changes everything as new business models changes their views on ownership and the value of things.

How Can Blockchain Technology Power the Areas of Identity and Authentication
With increased importance focused on digital identity blockchain can help banks, insurance and FinTech companies to manage and verify identities.

Empowering women financially. Why and how?
Women drive the world economy. Believe it or not, over the next decade, the impact of women on the global economy will be “at least as significant as that of China and India”.There has never been a more important time for women to get serious about understanding their finances.

RegTech for regulators, a toolbox helping to prevent the next financial crisis
RegTech itself will not prevent the next financial crisis, but using technology will make regulators better regulators.

“LEGO” Bricks for applications – WealthTech
Technology today with it’s speed, content streaming and cloud storage ability, is facilitating the construction of scalable applications by allowing us to take those front-end and back-end frameworks or ‘lego’ pieces that allow the construction of whatever the mind can imagine.

InsurTech ‘Now and Next’: A cartographer’s dream
It’s only been in the last 18 months that we’ve actually agreed on the term ‘InsurTech’ having had a go with InsTech,and a minor diversion via InsureTech. It’s not just the variations on country names that makes us feel like cartographers in the middle ages, but also the large parts of the map that are still blank.

Introducing the RegTech quality compass
Compliance and risk management have been perceived for too long as fun-free zones. Working with a RegTech solution should be a pleasurable and motivating experience.

How gamification can attract on-line wealth management consumers to sign up
As firms like attract assets in an ever more saturated market, the interesting question is, will they succeed in disrupting the incumbents?

Incumbent and Insurtech collaboration via Open Innovation Strategy
Insurtech is disrupting the entire value chain and customer life cycle. ‘I want it now’ culture, increasing consumers’ needs, high competition and changing regulations force incumbents to change. Disruptive technologies offer the opportunities to redesign customer experience

Wealth Management-as-a-platform: new architecture with PSD2
Wealth Management-as-a-platform: the new business architecture, particular resources should be allocated to shaping the firm’s culture around agility and the number of potential business partners on cybersecurity

Using Behavior-Modification Gamification to Bring Insurers into the Connected World
Insurers are utilizing that same data to leverage gamification, or more specifically, behavior-modification gamification

InsurTech in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities
In 2016, with the foundation of FinTech Istanbul, an independent organisation supported by Interbank Card Center of Turkey, the Turkish FinTech ecosystem has started to develop and receive attention internationally.
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