The WEALTHTECH Book is the handbook for investors, entrepreneurs and finance visionaries.
Get a handle on disruption, innovation and opportunity in investment management and private banking.

Book editors

Susanne Chishti
SUSANNE CHISHTI is the Founder and CEO of FINTECH Circle and the FINTECH Circle Institute, the leading peer-to-peer learning platform providing in-person and online courses across fintech enterprise innovation, wealthtech, insurtech, artificial intelligence and blockchain applications in finance, crypto-currencies and startup methodologies. As Co-Editor of the global Bestseller The FINTECH Book, she has been selected as a “City Innovator – Inspirational Woman” in 2016 and one of the top 100 fintech influencers globally in 2019 after working for 14 years across Deutsche Bank, Lloyds Banking Group, Morgan Stanley Investment Management and Accenture in London and Hong Kong.

Thomas Puschmann
THOMAS PUSCHMANN is Founder and Director of the Swiss FinTech Innovation Lab at the University of Zurich and member of the Swiss Innovation Council Innosuisse. Before his current position, Thomas was heading a large international financial services research project at the Universities of St. Gallen and Leipzig and was a visiting scholar at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is an advisor for many strategic national and international initiatives and an advisory board member of various institutions.
About this book
The WEALTHTECH Book is the only comprehensive guide of its kind to the disruption, innovation and opportunity in technology in the investment management sector. It is an invaluable source of information for entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, insurers, analysts and consultants working in or interested in investing in this space.
The digital evolution is enabling the creation of sophisticated software solutions that make money management more accessible, affordable and eponymous. Full automation is attractive to investors at an early stage of wealth accumulation, but hybrid models are of interest to investors who control larger amounts of wealth, particularly those who have enough wealth to be able to efficiently diversify their holdings. Investors can now outperform their benchmarks more easily using the latest tech tools.

Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Digitizing Client Advisory and Robo-Advisors
3. Digitizing Wealth Management Operations
4. Digital Platforms, Products and Ecosystems
5. Blockchain Applications in Asset and Wealth Management
6. Founders’ Success Stories
7. Enterprise Innovation
8. Global Overview of WealthTech
9. What is the Future of WealthTech?

“Following vast disruption in the retail and ecommerce space, the wealth/asset management and private banking industry is facing its own ‘Uber moment’. Staying abreast of new trends and technologies – which span well beyond the use of artificial intelligence in ‘robo-advice’ – is going to be a challenge. The WealthTECH Book is a valuable tool for industry players looking to stay relevant.”

Joy Macknight Deputy Editor, The Banker

“The WealthTECH Book is a timely arrival to show the specifics of how technology is changing the world of big money and high net worth people. About time, as the new generation of technology billionaires don’t really want some sharp-suited person calling them all the time. Leave it to the apps!”
Chris Skinner CEO, The Finanser LTD

“WealthTech is an excellent must read! Technology is creating a win-win for consumers and the sector allowing better net returns for consumers and better RoE for those institutions timely adopting technology, finding the balance between Tech and Human relationship and trust is what the next decade is about! Exciting times and an exciting read!”

Radboud Vlaar, Co-Founder & Partner at Finch Capital
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