FINTECH Insights.
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Fintech Awards London Ceremony 2022
Fintech Awards London is to recognise, attract and invest in the talented FinTech Companies & professionals working in London.

Startup Focus: Digitify
We spoke to Abdul Wadood, CEO and Founder of digitify to get an insight how they’re changing the future of the industry.

How To Drive More Traffic And Conversions From Social Media
Learn how you can drive more traffic and spread brand awareness from Social Media

What’s the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn in 2022?
Want to know the Best time to Post on Linkedin in 2022? Guarantee that your LinkedIn posts get the Maximum reach by following these simple instructions

Green Data Strategies to Cut Corporate Energy Costs and CO2 Emissions
In April 2022, FINTECH Circle’s CEO, Susanne Chishti hosted a webinar with Warren Barrie, Sales Director, Bulk Data Centers on the topic of “Green Data Strategies to Reduce Bills and Cut CO2 Emissions”. Warren delivered a thought-provoking presentation which we have summarized in this blog.

Fintech 3.0: How tokenisation unlocks the benefits of Sweat Equity
Whether you’re a founder, investor or hands-on expert, there’s never been a better time to realise the benefits of sweat equity…

Fintech Products for Consumers and Businesses: Should They Be Default?
While much of the world is still governed by the central banking system, these alternatives are providing key perks and benefits that iron out some of the kinks within that system.

FINTECH Circle & ITN Productions launch “FinTech for Good”
FINTECH Circle & ITN Productions launch new co-production ‘Fintech for Good’

Startup Focus: Elementaryb
Our focus at ELEMENTARYb is to help businesses thrive in an ever-changing world through the use of intelligent technology.

Reimagining Financial Inclusion: Tackling the flaws…
Tackling the flaws in our financial system is not just for social entrepreneurs or innovators; banks, insurers, financial service providers, should support new models for financial services in collaboration with partners ‘out there.’

Green Data Strategies to Reduce Energy Bills & Cut CO2 Emissions
Show key stakeholders that you have the perfect solution for scaling and future proofing your IT infrastructure while also driving down cost and meeting your environmental and sustainability goals.

Celebrating International Women’s Day #BreakTheBias
International Women’s Day. Watch the #BreakTheBias programme and serve a greater cause.

Unlocking Capital Stuck in Accounts Receivable through Netting!
Most businesses are impacted by the time it takes to collect their receivables, but SMEs are suffering most as it is more difficult and relatively more expensive for them to access bridge financing solutions

The No.1 Tip for Fintech startups
Pursue a “BIG VISION” that’s guided by a real obsession with your customers… and NOT your competitors

FINTECH LEADERS: The Next Generation are Women – GET USED TO IT!
The new wave in Fintech is #ResponsibleFintech and in the new era, it’s Women Leaders that have an advantage over Men.

Insurance Health Check Webinar 2022 – What Investors & Clients Want to See!
Join Paragon International Insurance Brokers Ltd and Fintech Circle to get straight forward, honest, impartial Fintech insurance advice.

SFC Capital & FINTECH Circle launch £1.5 Million Fund
Press Release: SFC Capital & Fintech Circle partner to launch a £1.5 million fund for Fintech startups

Why Women Are Core to a Fintech Future
Gender inequality has stopped many women from having financial independence or founding their own businesses.
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